Better Science,

Better Art,

Better Outcomes

Featured Products


Taxonomy Standard

  • Consolidated & Universal UM taxonomy ruleset

  • Symphony console is foundationally set for rollout across all UM Global

  • Operational rules around campaign set up and procedures



Automated Data Collection

  •  Data from key data sources & channels will be automatically collected

  • Leverages a combination of multiple tools and methods (APIs, Bots, Custom sFTP Processes, etc.)

  •  ETL Builds will automatically clean, process and prep data to push to the database


Centralized Cloud Database

  • Central Database hosted on an AWS Cloud Infrastructure, designed for speed and security

  • All core and bespoke media join logic will be available and stitched together within the database


Visual Suite & Outputs

  • Pre-defined data visualizations/automated reporting outputs

  • Direct database connections for customized work and deep dive into data for optimizations

  • Clean raw data outputs which can be used for used for internal and external modeling/reporting